Pure Feeling (清浄)

Pure Feeling (清浄)
Once every few decades, it blooms only in places where water, land, and air are all clear. An endangered phantom flower.

Gold foil on the Hahnemuhle photo rag paper which original special processing

Under the Silver Moon (銀色月夜の晩に)

Under the Silver Moon (銀色月夜の晩に)
This flower blooms at the night of the clear air and silver moon.From its characteristics, it is considered to have mysterious power

Gold foil on the Hahnemuhle photo rag paper which original special processing

Venus of the lake (水辺に佇む想い)

Venus of the lake (水辺に佇む想い)
Blooming these flowers near the clear lake in Boficca country. In The night of a full moon in winter without any wind, these flowers spill the flower sap like shed tears.

Gold foil on the Hahnemuhle photo rag paper which original special processing

Messenger of Thaw (雪解けの使者)

Messenger of Thaw (雪解けの使者)
The flower blooms the cold and clear part of the mountain where snow melted. The flower which sometimes takes out a face from a snowy interval is very lovely.

Gold foil on the Hahnemuhle photo rag paper which original special processing

After The Rain (雨上がりの後で)

After The Rain (雨上がりの後で)
After it rained much in BOFICCA, flower is blooms. There can pump up to the water in the land much.
So, it's used for the flood control purpose in “BOFICCA”.

Gold foil on the Hahnemuhle photo rag paper which original special processing